AI powered virtual CISO service

Virtual CISO vs Full time CISO

A Virtual CISO service becomes important as organizations struggle to navigate the complexities of cybersecurity.  Additionally hiring a full-time CISO can be costly for startups and small businesses. The position often come with high salary requirements and benefits, making them financially unviable for many smaller organizations. This is where virtual CISO (VCISO) cybersecurity consulting services come in, offering a flexible and solution cost-effective approach.

Expert Guidance 

Virtual CISOs will certainly bring a wealth of knowledge and experience in cybersecurity, providing expert guidance for organizations with limited budgets. Additionally Virtual CISOs can assess an organization’s security posture, develop strategic security measures, and provide tailored advice. Furthermore, they help in overcoming specific cybersecurity challenges. This strategic approach not only enhances the overall security posture of startups and small businesses but also enables them to make informed decisions. These decisions would consequently align with the unique business operational and strategic requirements.

Focus on startup and SMB challenges. 

Furthermore, virtual CISOs are well-positioned to address the unique challenges especially faced by startups and small businesses. Their expertise allows for tailored security assessments, risk management, and strategy development. Accordingly, all will be done while aligning with the specific needs and constraints of small-scale operations. 

Use of cutting- edge AI tools 

Our virtual Chief Information Security Officer (VCISO) service stands out as a leading choice especially for businesses seeking comprehensive cybersecurity solutions. By leveraging cutting-edge Artificial Intelligence technology, our highly experienced consultants undoubtedly deliver unparalleled excellence. Your security posture should increase significantly within six months from using the service. Afterwards the consultant will maintain and optimize the implemented security controls. 

Experienced Consultants 


Our highly experienced consultants have over 10 years of expertise in cybersecurity. The possess top cyber security certifications including CISSP, CISA, CISM, CEH, and more. Additionally, they are always up to date with the latest threats and new technologies in the market. 

Comprehensive reporting 

The virtual CISO monthly report will include a dashboard and a score card with gap analysis, compliance status. In addition, he will offer a tailored remediation plan that includes prioritized, actionable tasks. Each task will have an owner within your organization and an implementation date. 

Virtual CISO Responsibility

Our virtual CISOs can tailor your security program to meet your needs by specifically focus on areas of high risk. They also will: 

  1. Provide a top-down examination of all existing security policies with corresponding recommendations for filling any security gaps.
  2. Furthermore, conducting a thorough audit and review of your existing technologies and security controls to evaluate the performance of your program.
  3. Inform decision-makers of any possible vulnerabilities in corporate systems, hence allowing them to take preventative defensive actions and prepare for any risks.
  4. Creating an incident response plan which will basically minimize the effects of cyber security incidents and also offer practical advice on responding to events.
  5. Also setting up a framework to identify, classify, remediate, and mitigate any vulnerabilities in applications or infrastructure, hence reduce the risk.
  6. Developing and implement a plan to categorize data based on its level of sensitivity, protection needed, and overall risk to the organization. This will significantly increase the security of this data. 
  7. Manage third-party risks by formerly Identifying, evaluating and addressing potential risks from your suppliers, contractors and service providers.
  8. Also Identify and address any risks arising from the use of remote work force, BYOD and cloud computing
  9. Provides security awareness training. Additionally, he will integrate cyber security within the organization daily operation.
  10. Lastly helping you to meet security compliance requirements with full confidence and be with you throughout the process.
Virtual CISO




Frequently Asked Questions

A virtual CISO will bring vast experience to your organization without the commitment of full-time employment costs, accordingly, fulfilling the role with fraction of the cost during a cybersecurity skills shortage.

Virtual CISO services are essentially time-based, and the charge is based on the number of hours per month. Since our Virtual CISO is using AI that basically means you will need fewer consulting hours and higher quality output which enable us to offer competitive pricing 

Virtual CISO are generally common across many verticals e.g. technology, marketing, insurance, retail, finance, healthcare, and manufacturing.

We provide committed, experienced consultants with in-depth technical knowledge. Furthermore, The consultants will also use AI and machine learning that give them access to the collective knowledge and experience of world’s best CISO.

Our consultants adopt a flexible and tailored approach.  They work with you to understand your business, how it works and its culture. They will reflect these unique challenges on their assessment and remediation plans. 

The service can use a variety of cyber security frameworks e.g. ISO 27001, NIST CSF, SOC 2 , HIPPA, HI TRUST ..etc. depending on your industry vertical and the maturity of the organization 

The Virtual CISO service covers the United States and the EMEA region. 

The Virtual Chief Information security officer service will not cover day to day security administration function. The is because the service is more of a strategic high-level engagement with a C-level reporting. 

The Virtual CISO will effectively communicate the risk of not implementing a security control clearly to executive leadership and relevant stakeholders. This will help in the buy in and streamlining the cyber security program.

For limited resources and budget, the virtual CISO will have to adjust and prioritize. Additionally, frequent communication with stakeholders is key to keep them informed and assist in resource allocation

The virtual CISO will work with the organization to set a risk appetite based on its business goals and objectives. He will implement the security control to reduce cyber security risk to be within the acceptable risk for the organization.

He will also assist the organization to remain productive and resilient without compromising security principles.